1 Insurance card query web service
1.3 Graphical representation
1.3.1 Request | 1.3.2 Response structure |
→ Master data are available for the blue cross (see image below):
1.3.3 Example of a complete SOAP request
Request structure | Response structure |
1.4 Web service responses (return values)
All responses that are currently generated are listed below. This list is not fixed; new responses will be added as necessary.
Ok = 0 | The query could not be carried out. |
NoMatch = 1 | No matches |
ToMuchMatches = 2 | No unique match: please use the 20-digit insurance card number to find a unique match. |
NoEnoughInformationForQuery = 4 | The request structure has not been filled in correctly (mandatory fields left empty, fields not filled in correctly). |
UserDoesntMatchCertificate = 5 | The user and certificate do not match. |
UserPasswordNotFound = 6 | The user ID and password are not correct. |
NoCertificate = 7 | Login without valid certificate (intercepted by web server) |
UserLocked = 8 | The user is blocked. |
ZSRNotForProvider = 9 | The requesting paying agent does not have permission for the certificate. |
BAGNrLocked = 10 | A match was found, but the ZSR or provider does not have permission from the insurer. |
NoFurtherRightsForQuery= 11 | No match was found with the current rights. |
WrongCity= 12 | A match was found, but the town/city entered does not match the one recorded by the insurance card centre. |
ZSRNotForUser = 13 | The user does not have permission for the requested ZSR number (provider). |
CardNotValid = 14 | The requested card number was found, but the card is no longer valid (new card issued, card blocked or insurance cancelled). |
NewCardInInsurance = 15 | The requested card number is no longer active, but an active card number with the same insurer was found. |
OtherInsurance = 16 | The requested card number is no longer active, but an active card number with another insurer was found. |
UnknownError = 999 | Unknown error, please see return message (usually a program error) |
2 Detailed description of nodes
2.1 Introduction
Since each insurer is responsible for its own data, it is possible that certain information may not be available to certain service providers or may not be supplied by the insurer. Where this is the case, the corresponding nodes are hidden, and this is reflected in the response from the server.
2.2 General data types
2. 3 request of insurance card
2.3.1 Insurance card request structure
Element | Description |
requestDate | In this tag the request date is hand over to the client. |
questioners | See element «questioners» (typeQRY_questioners) |
biller | See element «biller» (typeQRY_biller) |
provider | See element «provider» (typeQRY_provider) |
insurance | See element «insurance» (typeQRY_insurance) |
patient | See element «patient» (typeQRY_patient) |
2. 4 Response of insurance card
2.4.1 Insurance card response structure
Element | Description |
returnCode | See “Example of a complete SOAP request – Response structure” |
returnMessage | See “Example of a complete SOAP request – Response structure” |
requestDate | Date of server request |
request_ID | Unique request number |
version | Query module version |
biller | See “biller” request structure (typeRES_biller) |
provider | See “provider” request structure (typeRES_provider) |
patient | See
ZAS | Official attributes of the returned OASI number See (typeRES_ZAS) Restrictions:
These data are not provided for roaming requests. |
canton | Reports from the canton on the requested OASI number; see (typeRES_canton) Restrictions:
Further information is provided under https://www.lsp-online.ch or https://www.sasis.ch. |